Our Near Mission is Trinity First Lutheran School which provides a Christ-based education for children from age 3 through eighth grade. Located in south Minneapolis less than a mile south of U.S. Bank Stadium, this school is in the heart of a community with great need. The school’s ministry philosophy is holistic—they work on equipping all members of the family in all areas of life, not just students in the classroom. Many of the families who send their children to the school are unchurched, uniquely locating the school to share Christ in the school setting.
Regular opportunities for Family of Christ members to support the school include
- Helping in the classroom
- Tutoring students
- Volunteering at Fall Festival
- Helping with parent education nights
- Participating in Family of Christ-organized events like workdays, folding and stuffing newsletters, and providing needed materials from the School Wish List
To volunteer to help students or assist school staff during the day, contact Anna VanVleet. To find out more about Family of Christ-organized events, contact Pete Mumford.
Anna VanVleet
Trinity First Ministry Support Coordinator
Pete Mumford
Family of Christ Contact