• Baptism

    Baptism is a gift of God's grace. Through the waters of baptism, combined with the power of God's Word, the Lord claims us as His own, washes away our sins, and gives us new life in Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit. In addition, when your child is baptized, he/she is welcomed into God's family and becomes a member of Family of Christ Lutheran Church. If you or a loved one have never been baptized, we want to celebrate with you!

    Why Baptize?

    God’s Word teaches that baptism is necessary for all, including infants, because we are all born sinful (Psalm 51:5) and spiritually dead (Ephesians 2:1). Through baptism, God grants faith and a new birth in Christ (John 3:5 and Titus 3:4-7)).

    Baptism Scheduling for parents of infants or young children

    We host a Baptism class on the second Tuesday of even-numbered months at 6:30 PM. Both parents are encouraged to attend, and childcare is available for children aged 0-5 years by contacting the church office at least one week in advance.

    This is a great way to get to know our pastors, learn the biblical teachings about baptism, find details about the baptism ceremony, and get tips on nurturing faith at home!

    If you have attended the class before, it is not necessary to attend again for subsequent baptisms.

    After completing the class, you can schedule your child’s baptism by contacting the church office.

    Baptism Scheduling for teens and adults

    At Family of Christ, we believe baptism is for all ages! If you were not baptized as an infant/child and would like to be, we'd love to talk with you about this!

    Please contact one of our pastors to arrange an appointment. We are willing to officiate private baptisms.


    Pastor Craig Quiring

    763-434-7337 ext. 307
