Class Info Click on your child's class to find unit letters and snack calendars. mrs. mARLA guentherCLASS 3 (M/W)CLASS 7 (T/TH) Type content here... mrs. jANINE raabCLASS 4 (M/W)CLASS 8 (T/TH) Type content here... mrs. jILL petersonCLASS 1 (M/W)CLASS 5 (T/TH)CLASS 12 (F) Type content here... mrs. aSHLEY jensenCLASS 2 (M/W)CLASS 11 (F) Type content here... mRS. jENNA TUMACLASS 6 (T/TH)CLASS 9 (T/Th) CLASS 10 (F) Type content here... mRS. cHYREE BARRIBEAUAPPLE CLASS Childcare (4/5 Y.O.) Type content here... mS. Lauren RudolphDUCK CLASS Childcare (3/4 Y.O.) Type content here...