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Worship Opportunities
Worship Opportunities
Sunday Worship
9:00 am Blended Worship
10:30 am Contemporary Worship
6:45 pm
Ash Wednesday
March 5, 2025
1:00 pm & Refresh 6:45 pm
Throughout the Lenten season we will offer two worship opportunities every Wednesday from March 5th through April 9th at 1:00pm and 6:45pm. The theme of this year’s Lenten season is “Reckless Love.” Every Sunday throughout Lent we will highlight Jesus’ reckless and passionate love toward us. Then every Wednesday we will emphasize how God’s love empowers us to recklessly love others. Join us as we journey through this season of reflection and renewal, embracing the depth of God's love together.
16345 Polk St. NE
Ham Lake, MN 55304
Come as you are—no manual needed. Our time includes singing, teaching, and praying. Whether you're new to your spiritual journey or not, our aim is to inspire you to love Jesus and glorify God. Discover a welcoming, relevant, and fun community. Let us know how we can support or pray for you!
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