True North Vacation Bible School

June 23 - 27, 2025

9 am - 12 pm

Registration opens to the public Monday, March 3 at 10:00 am

Register here!

Vacation Bible School FAQs:

Who can attend Vacation Bible School at Family of Christ?

VBS is open to the whole community! There are no church membership or worship attendance requirements. Everyone is welcome!

Permission, Emergency Medical Treatment,
Photo/Video Release, and Behavior Expectations

Age: Kids age 4 (on or before the first day of VBS: June 23, 2025) to those who have completed 5th grade.

We are very strict on this policy as our preschool program will fill to capacity and have a waiting list. Our desire if for every child to experience the fun and learning of VBS, but we just don't have the space to accommodate students under the age of 4.

WAITING LIST! If your child's grade or the program registration is full, you may add your name to the WAITING LIST.



Please DO NOT register your child in any grade other than the grade that they are currently in (2024-2025). Preschoolers need to be in our preschool program in order for everyone to have a positive experience at VBS.

Should I select Preschool or Kindergarten?

Preschool includes kids ages 4 - 6 who have NOT completed Kindergarten. Please select the grade that the child is currently in when registering for VBS. 

What is Club45?

We have a special separate program to create an opportunity for our 4th & 5th grade students to be in VBS, but with some additional learning, serving, leading, and learning components. This is the second time we will be offering Club45 and we are so excited for the possibilities!

Who can volunteer?

Students who have completed 6th-12th grade are welcome to volunteer as crew leaders and station assistants.

Every effort will be made to pair our 6th grade student volunteers with a high school student or an adult to serve in an apprenticing and assisting role. Adults over 18 are welcome to volunteer for any role.

I want to volunteer, but I have kids under 4!

Nursery care will be available for our volunteers who have kids 3 years old and younger. To request nursery care, complete this form: 

Nursery Care Registration

Please note that this form is just a request. Nursery capacity is limited by classroom space and nursery volunteer availability. 

What's included with the registration cost?

Registration fees include programming, supplies, and snacks for each day of True North VBS (June 23-27, 2025), as well as a t-shirt for each participant, and a music CD or download card for each participant family! We will make every effort to make the music CDs or download cards available before VBS begins.

We are able to keep the cost of VBS low because almost all of the True North VBS leaders are unpaid volunteers. Thank you for making this experience a reality for so many kids!

Is there a cost to attend True North VBS?

Vacation Bible School has a flat fee of $40.00 per child that is registered. (No early bird/family/volunteer discounts.)  Payments can be made through PayPal (bank account or card) on this website or in-person (cash or check) in the church office at Family of Christ Monday-Friday 8:30 am-4:30 pm. (Enter on the east side of the building through door #1.)

VBS payment is due by May 1, 2025. Unpaid registrations will be cancelled. 

Can we get a refund if we can no longer attend?

Registration fees will be 90% refunded for cancellations received before May 1. We retain 10% because of the PayPal fees to receive payments. Cancellations between May 2 and June 1, will receive a 50% refund, and any cancellation after June 2 is non-refundable.

True North Preview Video

Kid's Ministry

Our goal is to partner together to empower and equip children to be all that they are called to be. The KidZone staff and volunteers put all their energies into creating an experience that will share God's Word with the kids while encouraging them to grow in their faith walk. Equally important is our commitment to making KidZone a safe and fun place for kids.

KidZone is a place where kids experience that God is a Great Big God, and they are each part of His Great Big Story! We love partnering with families to help kids grow in their faith walk and develop a lasting friendship with Jesus. Click on the registration link below for more details and to register. 


As preschoolers take their first steps in their walk with God, they form core beliefs and attitudes that can shape their faith for years to come. We introduce preschoolers to who God is and what His love means to them. We strive to give preschoolers a first impression of God in such a way that it makes a lasting impression in their hearts.


The elementary years are such an exciting time! Our kids are growing so fast and they learn more every day! They transform from being totally dependent on us as toddlers to becoming more independent little people who are thinking new thoughts and dreaming new dreams. What a perfect time to teach them about the God who made them and loves them! We want our kids to become more like Jesus through engaging in our large group lessons and making meaningful connections in our small groups.


We ask families to stop at our registration desk where they will check in or complete a registration from and make a nametag. For your peace of mind, our volunteers are trained, screened, and ready to share Jesus' love with your child.

Special Needs

We love to partner with families of special needs children and will strive to find the path to learning about God’s love for all children. KidZone Buddies are one-on-one pairings within a KidZone small group for students who need accommodations because of learning disabilities, physical limitations, or behavioral struggles.

Children's Ministry Contacts:

Ruth Woltmann

Director of Children's Ministry

763-434-7337 ext. 309

Patti Nelson

Administrative Assistant

763-434-7337 ext. 303