Young Adult Ministry

  • Weekly Young Adult Group

    Join us on Wednesday evening for a time of community and growth. Each evening starts with a meal starting at 5:45pm followed by a time of worship at Refresh at 6:15pm and followed by group discussion at 7pm. Come meet other young adults, laugh and grow together. 

  • Service Projects and Outings

    Throughout the year the group will engage in a variety of service projects and fun outings. Past opportunities have included yard work projects for families in need, serving meals for those dealing with hunger issues and much more. 

  • Annual Mission Trip

    Each year the Young Adult group participates in a week-long mission trip. The past few years they specifically have served on the US/Mexico border building homes and facilitating programs for kids.

  • One thousand Young Leaders

    Family of Christ is passionate about young people and is intentional in supporting them as they develop into Christ-like servant leaders. One such way is through One Thousand Young Leaders. Each year through cohort learning groups this ministry equips young adults as they live out their calling to be missional in this world. This is a global wide program that Family of Christ supports and sponsors students to attend. 


    Director of Young Adult Ministry

    Christian Stohlmann


    DCE Pete Hiller
