Family of Christ congregation understands the importance of Christian day schools in nurturing the faith of students and families. The Supporting Local Christian Schools mission outreach currently encourages the ministry of two local schools.
Family of Christ Preschool and Childcare provides the children of the congregation and community a distinctly Christian environment in which to grow. Approximately 230 children are loved and cared for through this ministry. Because about 40% of these families are unchurched, there is great potential to serve and connect them with the Jesus and our congregation.
Family of Christ Involvement Opportunities:
- Assisting in classrooms (classroom aide, before/after-school care)
- Maintenance to building and grounds
- Behind-the-scenes Assistance (shopping, sewing, preparing teaching materials)
- Parent and Family Events
- Fund-raising and Donation Drives
To volunteer during the day, contact:
Katie Norby
Director of Family of Christ Childcare
Mary Hiller
Director of Family of Christ Preschool
Foundations Christian Academy is a new, non-denominational school in the community, serving Kindergarten - grade 8 students. It is located in Crosstown Center at Hwy 65 and Crosstown Blvd. In addition to providing excellent academic training, the Academy seeks to build Christian character and enrich students’ lives beyond the classroom.
Brad Sunderland
Foundations Head of School
To participate in a Family of Christ sponsored event contact:
Kathleen Lane